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Sunday 9 January 2011

Happy 22nd^^~

Happy 22nd buddy^^~aka David Chua  :)

A glance of him...

we had been classmates for six years XD
not till form 4, we were just "hi" "bye" friends.
what made the turning point from hi,bye to friends who talked 'bout weather, work and superficial stuffs was he drew me in animated version and gave it to me on my birthday ^^~i was elated, off course-- he is a very good artist^^
we literally became buddies (topic of conversations expanded) after graduation- which i forgot exactly how :P

he is a very nice friend~
i still remembered when he first entered matriculation while me pre-uni, we had considerable struggles-- which major to choose, dramatic change of language use, different workloads, and most importantly, style of teaching is totally different- spoon feeding to increased independence.
had lots of peep talks with him that time, and we shared most of our secrets with each other~
*remember 洗衣男,健身男 XD*

also my favourite songs that he played for me using piano and guitar-- silent night, 黑白配,shinning friends~~
knowing that i love christmas he will definitely not forget to snap pictures of nice christmas trees for me ^^

-courtesy of buddy^^-
when i am back in hometown, that is when he drives me to pasar malam, friends' reunion and around the neighbourhood XD

thanks buddy ^^ happy 22nd XD
(PS: older than me liao XD XD-->< 9 days later have to face the fact of gaining one year :( )

i didnt have a white christmas :P
the snow came 3 days after new year^^
and here are the nice pictures, compensate for the late present =^^=

-outside the dorm of uni.-

-caught the snow!!^^-


-flowers in new, elegant white coat-

-tehee^^*snowman, courtesy of cambodia exchange students-

-the temperature changed abruptly--the ice melted and froze again ><ll see these ice cubes XD-

-the weather is sooo cold until the lil' stream froze :P nice right ;)-

Seal the post with my buddy posing with my phone ^^*

Happy birthday ^^~~
Many sweet returns and hope you have a blasting one^^

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