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Thursday 13 January 2011

Pit of downfall

While reading Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows, couldn't help but agree- you'd get away with intelligence, at the same time fall into traps set by own presumed intelligence.

Arrogance is the pit of downfall- couldn't have put it better in other way.

Never I have such strong urge to slap the person in the face and yell at him stop it!

I watched Star Wars- Darth Vader was cruel enough right- he wiped out the lil' future-to-be Jedis just because of selfishness. Yet the urge was not as strong as compared to Voldermort.

Forgot how long it was coming across with a torturous yet captivating story..

As eyes running through the lines---

(p.159) honour for him and Kreacher, who must to do whatever the Dark Lord ordered him to do..
there goes the image of the house elf in mixed feelings, part of it shockingly surprise, part of it unknown and wanting to do things right to please his master, the obedient, innocent elf follows that *swear-words-will-never-enough* (aka voldermort) to the cave...he is just an elf... he doesnt wanna rock the world like voldermort...what he wants is just get the right thing done in a right way to make his master feel honoured.

(p. 160) there was a basic full of potion--poison..the dark lord made Kreacher drink it...
Kreacher drank, and as he drank, he saw terrible things...
Kreacher's insides burned...Kreacher cried for Master Regulus to save him, he cried for hi Mistress Black, but the Dark Lord only laughed...he made Kreacher drink all the potion...
and then the Dark Lord sailed away, leaving Kreacher on the island...
very tear-inducing and anger provoking ><
imagine the poor lil' elf!

how could this *swear-words-will-never-enough* guy just USE the elf for testing ?! with the apparent intention to leave him to die on the island? (anyway what can you expect from a swear-words-will-never-enough guy?)

yet thanks to his presumed intelligence, ultimate ignorance and underestimation for other living creatures that the elf gets to survive-- a magic that no humans could perform considering the circumstances aside from elves, which then eventually leads to his final downfall--took seven episodes but yeah, die.

has he not so much of himself and taken other creatures for granted, Harry wouldn't even get the chance to locate the third horcrux so easily.

also learned something from the story--never look at one side of things

regret to say that I don't really like Kreacher ever since his first appearance in the Order of Phoenix.
with all the swear words he used--mudblood, filthy...
quite shocking 'coz Dobby and Winky would spank themselves with the largest pole they could find if they were to accidentally mention any of these words..
eventually in this final book, got to know that Kreacher was actually an old elf severely deprived of affection and niceness. he was sensible enough to display a normal facial feedback to those who nastily ordering him around--unlike other elves who obeyed nonetheless.
but he changed~ a nice change^^ when the trio (harry ron hermoine) adopted a humane way of communication^^

intelligence definitely comes with a price without moderation^^~

also, nobody is the somebody you are looking at right now. no matter how bad someone is, there is always tinge of niceness within^^bloom if the environment allows^^


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