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Tuesday 18 January 2011


* Specially dedicated to: Elaine Tan, Yan Yee, Izzat, Im Im, Thida, Piseth, Taro, Vancee, and Teddy^^*

and huggies^^

Sorry..having to start a simple thank you post with something @@ (like this kind of expression~)

Etymology of Grazia
- in italian, it means gratitude. Grazie is actually a more accurate form of thank you.

I choose grazia, because to me gratitude comes from the heart, while thank you can always be a word that is said so easily, because we are taught from young to say it-- it is simply common courtesy.

I am not saying thank you for common courtesy, nor because everybody came down in thick jacket dancing tip-toe while chorusing cold, cold ~~

I truly appreciate what was being done tonight^^

I would rather not go out unless it is 'bout working in cafe..

but you took the pain to go out in this so-cold-wanna-scream weather, struggle to choose a nice cake for me as well as tailoring it to everybody's tastes (no cheese, no chocolate, no sweet potato @@- what 'bout a plain cake) :P

and thank you for the lovely presents^^~

*so cute can faint!!^^*

*ingredients-- tonnes of heart, gallons of energy, a spoon of love from everybody~*

Grazia Elaine^^even though we do not really talk much but you got me what i like the most ^^--handmade gifts^^~
i really love them a lot because it is like showing you like me, and then you like me as your friend enough to make something for me instead of buying it--stuffs that other people made~ ^^

Grazia Yee^^ you just recovered from a cold, coming sunday exam, and then you walked all the way out to get the cake ^^ not to mention you gave me the bunnie post card ^^ (PS: i am starting to think that it is becoz' you think we might like it then you took them for us^^* but you didn't say it~)

Grazia Izzat^^ i know i have been a party-popper while i was in psychology--kept figuring out surprises :P and that you have to complicate things to come up with a surprise for me :P and sorry too :( for making others saying you are too elaborated :P
Grazia Taro^^ for the birthday song and twinkle twinkle lil' star^^ i really like them even though they are not tangible, but i understand that it takes courage to perform something you are good at in front of everybody ^^ and i feel really touched..that you shared what you are good at on my birthday ^^~
Grazia Im Im^^ for jumping out from behind the door with the others and gave me a nice surprise^^~ and to be honest =^^=, i am a bit like a lost bull XD gonna knock here and there becoz' for one moment, i am not really mentally prepared for this :P and you are there suggesting us just dig the cake with spoons^^ i really love that idea^^ becoz if cut the cake, it is like each of us just attend to the cake itself, but dig from the cake, we are sharing^^ and we are eating each other's saliva^^ and it is the thing that makes the cake even nicer^^

Grazia Thida^^ for coming and joining coz' i know you are trying to diet (is that im im's influence ar XD) and jumped out from the door with the others too ^^ and, thanks for leading in singing the birthday song^^ i heard your voice^^

Grazia Piseth^^ the one who always pull my hoodie ^^ :P and protrude his nice tongue out :P :P are you using any Tony Moly product or Etude House product to your tongue this time ^^? thanks for being here tonight^^ 'coz i was sort of like awkward--the limelight was on me and everybody was there to wish me =^^= and you are there trying to live up the atmosphere, and i felt much relief listening to your cute statements that make everyone laugh^^~

Grazia Vance^^ thanks for coming ^^ i know you guys performed during the afternoon, and i guess you must be tired...maybe after some brief celebrations~ and haha XD yeah, have to admit that after you pulled the  bang bang thingy (dont know the name :P), i was like, ok~ now the feeling of nervous was replaced by afraid of the thing was gonna made another bang :P thanks for alleviating my anxiety ^^

Grazia Teddy Tet^^ thank you for leading the others in 'settling' the cake ^^ coz everybody somehow was like a bit shy to get started, and i was like..what should i say to ask everyone 많이먹어, and then you said come! lets eat arr~~  then out came the spoons ^^

22nd's birthday is embroidered with memories of you all ^^*
Thank you ^^~ and hugggss^^

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