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Wednesday 1 December 2010

Go Purple~

Becky was fighting hard.

Cool Bec...
OK. 1, 2, 3- inhale; 3, 2, 1- exhale.
Things are gonna be O...O...O......

It was just so ants in the pants when these feather heads dying for her help approached regardless of anything, putting on the "oh, you are my saviour!", or "if you don't help me I will die" face.

Now too bad she was a soft-hearted person.

Stand straight!
Pull yourself together Bec!
and professionally, SMILE!

"W--wh--o i--ch y-ou-r he-hero?"

OK. Who is my hero right?
"Erm, I would say my dad." Professional smile~

To her horror, neatly written on the answer sheet, "she's dead."

Becky sighed, silently.

Nicely, she corrected,"no, it is DAD, D-A-D, father."

The culprit went "OooooO", and gave her a big, broad smile.

Right. When a baby does this to you, you would probably go and pinch the lil' fella's check and squeek: Aww, he is so cuteee!
When a child does this to you, you would probably laugh and amazed how the silly and funny face could trigger your funny bones so much.
When a 20+ does this to you, there is no Would-s, or Might-s. It is a definite Blow the top off- off to the furthest corner in earth!

Trying to recover her blown off top, Becky decided to do something- the loser feeling was gradually submerging her, and it was not a nice one.

Yes. Purple. The purple bangle!

Suddenly she recalled how Will Bowen who set up the challenge, 21 days without yakking and lamenting at anything.

Vaguely, Becky fished out something from her memory- If you complain, it simply means you are trying to be at odds with yourself- trying your very best to find faults with your decisions, nit-picking, and make your life miserable.

Yeah Becky.

Patience is not the key.
See things from the other side.

Suddenly, the gloomy and somehow stuffy lil' room looked purple to her^^~

always a brighter side hiding behind darkness^^~

B's footnote:

They have nil interests in English. If I put on an unwilling face, that will just drive them off further, and to serious extent, maybe discourage the lil' tinges of likings.

It is OK to be bad at something, really, and it is designed to- because this, allows the stronger ones to help the weaker ones, and that is how, something that people always contend, helping the others, derives from-- simple thing like this^^

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