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Wednesday 8 December 2010

Fairy God Mothers

As usual, Ram browses her facebook, running her eyes over the comments, one by one.

No she is not a facebook addict. And, no, she has more to do than hawking others statuses and comments.

It is just nice to see how the world perceives a particular subject, like something abstract, difficult to be defined, suffer to be debated- something like, love.

Now she is very sure that fairy god mothers don't exist. 

And, she is very sure that she will be bombarded and blown up into pieces by her besties who worship fairy tales, and striving to live at least one of them out of reality. 

But that is not exactly what she means!

Fairy god mother derives from Cinderella, so lets trace back to Cinderella and how the LUCKY girl summons fairy god mother. 

Or, wait. Before that there is even something more important-- lets do a bit of definition- LUCKY.

Lucky, is definitely not Imagining- imagining the prince is gonna' get a girl as his wife.
Lucky, is definitely not sitting down on the staircase, crying, mourning, and doing Nothing over torn dress, piles of houseworks, and tonnes of unfairness. 
Lucky, is definitely not brooding over problems and stop trying when there are hurdles, one after another, despite you opening different doors. 

Now get the point?

Fairy god mother is there for Cinderella, not because Cinderella is lucky, nor she is Pitiful enough to summon the fairy. 

The fairy is there simply because it is just time for her to pop out!

Cinderella never gives up going to meet the prince despite not having a presentable dress. She actively fishes out a book on dresses and her sewing kit, manifesting her intention to sew her party dress in limited time compressed by house chores. 

Cinderella finishes all the house chores her step mother and step sisters throw at her, unreasonably, with the disturbance of the house cat, Lucifier. 

Cinderella gets a pleasant surprise from her mouse friends, and in the blink of eye, her step sisters just crush her happiness by tearing her dress ruthlessly.

Cinderella can't do anything to go to the palace anymore. She doesn't have the time, nor money.

That is when fairy god mother appear when the broken hearted but works so hard to try for what she wants girl cries her heart out. 

That is when fairy god mother changes her ragged dress into stunning dress, along with the magnificent carriage. 

That is when Cinderella arrives at the ball, stuns everyone including her own step mother and sisters, and off course, the prince himself. 

That is when Cinderella walks side by side with the prince, happily marching to their new palace, after she tries to tell that she is the owner of the crystal shoe. 

Now that is when, LUCKY chips in the story- people who works to get what they want for their life will have a lil' bit of boost to reach the goal, which rhymes with the 99% of perspiration, 1% of inspiration say~

It just doesn't work the other way round. Ask Edison if he agrees the other way round. Probably that is enough to make him jump up from where he is right now and smack those day dreamers real hard ;)

Kind reminder^^*

Complaining and yakking for soul mate to appear just won't help.
Never ask why God is fooling you around for so long. 
Maybe He, has already answered you. 
He chunks a soul mate in front of your eyes. 
But you are too busy indulging in laments, and you miss the boat. Says who God fools you? Or, you fool yourself?

Things won't just jump to you with you sitting there doing literally Nothing but Wishful thinkings. 
Yes, you wish. But you need to have something to let your wish build on. 
Wishing and doing nothing- if the fairy god mother were to pop out that would be HOLY MACKEREL!

Marathon-like wish list- No effort, no result. 
Yes dare to dream (Walt Disney),
but don't day dream on your wishes waiting for them to puff miraculously in front of you. 

For your kind information, that won't even happen in fairy tales, what's more reality?^^

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