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Friday 3 December 2010

Dark Humor

Trista is definitely not the type of girl that will obediently settle on the same chair, same desk, same pile of work for five working days.

Yet, she is in one that she has to. It is called Job, something that you have to show your professionalism, simply because you are paid to do so.

Trista is no routine person.

She loves those online psychology tests. During her high school days when she was supposed to direct her energy for SAT, instead she turned her study group into online psychology tests group, whereby the girls Ooo and Aaarrs for each others results.

She still remembers her scores consistently show that she is highly nomadic, needs higher than normal challenges to keep her feel alive. She then day dreamed of being a pilot, just like Amelia Earhart. Then it was marine biologist, and she dreamed of swimming with great whites studying their habitats, predators, and preys. For her subsequent dream jobs, nothing were like her current one.

Trista understands that she has to bear with this job. As boring as it is, the job has yet a lot to offer, boredom is just the tiny curse behind uncountable blesses.

Trista somehow loses her appetite for dinner.
Tank too, has his mind occupied.
Both are having the same dinner, but surely their faces won't please the cook too much.
There is little verbal exchange. Most of the time silence speaks the loudest.

Trista looks at her soup. It is mussels soup- dark, with fleshes within.
She jokingly saying that all her mussels are reserved and tightly close-off, while secretly, she sighs- what a colour to strengthen the moodiness.

As she is busy serving her thoughts, suddenly there is a spoon reaching into her soup, and the mussel.
The next thing she knows is, Tank is placing the mussel in his plate, and carefully, opens the shell, gets her the flesh within.
Placing the flesh on her plate, Tank jokingly says: The mussel looks like a love isn't it^^

Something is oozing up, but Trista is very sure it is not the moodiness level.
"Hmmm?" As usual, the big, innocent eyes.
She smiles, and silence again takes place as she eats the mussel.

Sometimes, submerged by the dark humor is not a bad thing too^^
Only with you, Tank^^~
submerged by the refreshing dark humor- not stereotypical color of love, yet the shape of love^^

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