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Monday 9 September 2013

Spell Dream, Spell Peter Rosset

While reading CNN news online, was captivated by the title "Spartanburg teen pianist overcome leukemia, Down Syndrome" (For full article: And true enough. As the title sounds, the article holds wonder, and, illustrates dream so nicely.

So I went on to Youtube for Rosset4music, and clicked into another wonder, which brought tears to my eyes:

Here are some quotations from Peter's parents that I found inspiring, which spell Peter, a conqueror of life hurdles, and CEO of his dream and passion:

"He loves to play. He plays in the morning, he plays at lunch, he plays for dinner. And if he wants to do something nice to you, he'll say "dad, let's start the concert". (Jean-Michel Rosset, Peter's daddy)

"He's been so nice, and so sweet throughout this whole thing. He really makes the best of everything" (Ivy Rosset, Peter's daddy); when Peter was diagnosed with leukemia

"Peter is very strong that regardless of his situation and suffering, he keeps going and he wants to accomplish what he wants to do. He always wants to play, and if he doesn't feel good, he still wants to play. If he has a concert, recital, he goes and play." (Jean-Michel Rosset)

"It doesn't matter what challenge he has in his life, he just go for it; go full force for it." (Ivy Rosset)

A very touch-to-tears me after the video.

What a loving and dedicated family Peter has. A very observant mother who notices Peter's inclination to music. A very supportive daddy who sits down and listens to Peter's piano. A very caring sister who loves and feels proud of Peter.

What I've gotten out is: Once again, I feel that love on an inexplicable level, can answer to many things.

If I were to be great someday, I wish nothing on being renowned based on financial/social status.
If I were to be great someday, If I were to be someone someday, I wish to have the love and humbleness of Peter.
I wish to reach out with my heart, with my love, just like Peter and his loving family :)

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