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Wednesday 25 September 2013


Gratitude to amygdala, we have survived long enough to this advanced technology area, without having to swim in the sabertooth tiger's HCl :D

Now that the big kitty no longer lingers from house-to-house, intricate things, like emotions, linger instead, from time-to-time.

Guess most of us had/have/having the moment where we felt/feel/are feeling worthless, helpless, hopeless, clueless (*the list might go on*). GONE CASE is probably the closest slang I would describe the feeling as.

Like a river flowing through rough and tumbles, relatively smooth all along. And suddenly, two gigantic big stones are placed in the way of the flow. No matter which way the flow attempts, dead stuck. No loopholes, no lee-ways, No Way.

Jiyn (*pseudonym) shared the story of how she had wanted to jump from her house, a 32-floor condominium after she had seen No Way for her to passing the exams, despite all her hard attempts.

"What changed your mind then?" (*curiosity kills the meow~ thank you God I'm not one ^^)

"That's because I noticed there is no meaning for me to do it."

"You meant except from running away from the reality?"

"No. Not even that. If you jump, running away from reality doesn't even happen, because you are dead. What can you do? Then I noticed, and I told myself: Why should I defeat myself?"

Strike 10/10!

Oh yes. The stones that are in the way, are so Hard, so Cold, merciless.
For those who break dance, girls hip-hop, martial arts, or probably some exercises, it is easy to empathize. Because aside from pain and bruises, there comes along self-defeating thoughts, infest and paint a pathetic, battered, I-can't-do-this portrait.

Emotions are important.
But I guess they are not very good painters after all :P

Point being, if the flow were to face-palm, or knock-on-the-stone/hurdles despite all the hard efforts.
There will be one day when, after the attempts, we suddenly notice all previous attempts have built up considerable strength- that the strength doesn't break the stones. Instead, overflow them :)

~With love~

Monday 23 September 2013





Wednesday 11 September 2013


And so, the title has nicely summed up the languages I'm familiar with. 

It is a wonderful feeling being able to communicate to the locals in their mother tongue :)
Feel closer, feel that there is something in common, feel that the difference could be bridged. 
At one point, even feel like could reach the other person's heart, speaking in their native language. 

But, there are always storms. Even a storm in the tea cup. 
When deference could no longer answer to difference. 
When it is apparent, that two persons, speaking the very same language, simultaneously experiencing what they both would agree on- 'misunderstanding', 'salah faham', '误会', '오해', 'ごかい誤解'.

Like two persons having pieces of the same puzzle, yet unable to fit into the frame. Hence, feeling puzzled.

I'm really grateful that somehow, this sudden realization on language kicked in.
Mostly heard comment from friends being: French is challenging to learn. (let's not forget Arabic language too okay ^^)
And I concurred considering my twisted tongue and Sahara-like brain (*literally used up all brain juice :D)

And today I see it differently. 
Language per-se, regardless of nation, is challenging to learn and master as it represents a nation- its culture, custom, tradition; the essence of society. However, it doesn't represent enough- it doesn't represent all my thoughts, your thoughts, others' thoughts. If I, using a language based on my worldview (which differs across individuals), I would expect nothing less than misunderstanding * with exception that the other person is a Professor-X* ^^

Found language quite hard to transcend sometimes. 
We are speaking the same language, and yet, not quite. 
Thus have gladly decided to pick up additional One language to complement the others. 

The language of LOVE. 

Quit the scientific or literature-type of definition. 
For now, it means respect, accept, and Smile :) to me.


Many thanks to the Taiwanese lady from Tzu Chi, who inspired me to have such wonderful feelings after talking to her. 

Monday 9 September 2013

Spell Dream, Spell Peter Rosset

While reading CNN news online, was captivated by the title "Spartanburg teen pianist overcome leukemia, Down Syndrome" (For full article: And true enough. As the title sounds, the article holds wonder, and, illustrates dream so nicely.

So I went on to Youtube for Rosset4music, and clicked into another wonder, which brought tears to my eyes:

Here are some quotations from Peter's parents that I found inspiring, which spell Peter, a conqueror of life hurdles, and CEO of his dream and passion:

"He loves to play. He plays in the morning, he plays at lunch, he plays for dinner. And if he wants to do something nice to you, he'll say "dad, let's start the concert". (Jean-Michel Rosset, Peter's daddy)

"He's been so nice, and so sweet throughout this whole thing. He really makes the best of everything" (Ivy Rosset, Peter's daddy); when Peter was diagnosed with leukemia

"Peter is very strong that regardless of his situation and suffering, he keeps going and he wants to accomplish what he wants to do. He always wants to play, and if he doesn't feel good, he still wants to play. If he has a concert, recital, he goes and play." (Jean-Michel Rosset)

"It doesn't matter what challenge he has in his life, he just go for it; go full force for it." (Ivy Rosset)

A very touch-to-tears me after the video.

What a loving and dedicated family Peter has. A very observant mother who notices Peter's inclination to music. A very supportive daddy who sits down and listens to Peter's piano. A very caring sister who loves and feels proud of Peter.

What I've gotten out is: Once again, I feel that love on an inexplicable level, can answer to many things.

If I were to be great someday, I wish nothing on being renowned based on financial/social status.
If I were to be great someday, If I were to be someone someday, I wish to have the love and humbleness of Peter.
I wish to reach out with my heart, with my love, just like Peter and his loving family :)

Thursday 5 September 2013




每次想展翅高飞时,总有一把声音说你不够好。you aren't good enough. 逐渐地,已经习惯









Wednesday 4 September 2013

Study Skills #101 yo

Came across this interesting article posted by my lecturer in the Washington Post "Study techniques that work- and surprisingly don't" for full article:

Some #shocking facts :P
Shocking being I almost check-check-check on all of'em XD

*1*highlighting and underlining textbooks and other materials. I don't buy my colorful stabilos for hedonistic purposes pal~

*2* cows regurgitate; worriers ruminate; I re-read :)
*3* summarization- out of ideas for getting a corresponding image, hence the word.

*4* keyword mnemonics. My Very Elegant Mother Just Serves Us Nine Pizzas (There you go- Mercury; Venus; Earth; Mars; Jupiter; Saturn; Uranus; Neptune; NO LONGER one)

*5* imagery use for text learning. All words and no pics make the string of alphabets dull text :D
Welcome to the club if you did the aforementioned :))

Now let's see some alleged effective study skills (the class now commenced :)

Moderately effective study techniques:

*1* elaborative interrogation- use WHY Qs to help connect old and new learning material (oh I LOVE Why coz' it makes wonder, especially when you decide it's a strategic day to have fun with your teacher XD)

*2* self-explanation- prompt students to provide own explanation for problems faced in learning materials.
(on a mischievous tone- 'why is the earthy round?' ---thinking cap mode---eureka moment!! --> I know! coz', it ain't square!! XD )

Highly effective study techniques:

*1* practice testing...??!!! Not us hello!!
*2* distributed practice: study over short sessions instead of mass practice- the "python" way, one time all in :P

I agree that these effective study skills, some were being researched on, especially the distributed practice.
But oh wells~
Compared to evidence-based research, old habit dies harder :P
Fingers crossed this will happen during masters ^^

Ouch >< 
But but, 'itch' okay (cartoon's voice)
"Good time" to buffer :D (Disclaimer: This is not a research-evidence based statement.)


Monday 2 September 2013


一直,很喜欢这首歌- 一个人背两人的债,张柏芝

別像個小孩 帶著一臉的無奈找不到依賴 
事到如今我要離開 好好站起來

你是我一生的最壞 也是我一生的最愛

不能再照顧你的未來 我也要做得明明白白

一個人背兩人的債 受多少苦我也能捱 
為你跳進忘情苦海 死去再活來

多少愛可以重來上天的安排 事到如今 怎樣去改不要再期待 
對自己坦白對身邊的人多關懷 不要再讓愛你的人受傷害你是我一生的最壞 
也是我一生的最愛不能再照顧你的未來 我也要走得痛痛快快一個人背兩人的債 
受多少苦我也能捱為你跳進忘情苦海 死去再活來