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Wednesday 24 April 2013

The Croods^^

Nicely termed, this is belated. Actually, it’s outdated :P

Finally went and grabbed “The Croods” and the pictograph for feelings of the night went like this: :D à XD à J à L à:’( à J

Thanks to The Croods and Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs J I don’t mind and in fact enjoying my labile emotions :D

Here are some must-blogs and I had them rehearsed and recalled while on my way home: (“”= adapted from The Croods; other than that purely personal reflections^^)

-         +  “The light will lead you to tomorrow” J (*though I am pretty sure I do not get the precise quotation) :D

-        +   “Survival is never easy”

-          + When you have walked so far to achieving the target, the strength that carries you all along will continue to carry you the rest of the journey. Nothing could fail you now, but yourself.

-          + Light & hope is within a stone’s throw. If you don’t hear the echo of the stone’s dropping down, throw the stone again. Do, think, and feel twice before calling it off. Everything deserves a second chance, including what you want for yourself J

-        +   There is light. There is darkness. It doesn’t matter who follows who, and what comes after what. All it matters is, there is always light in the darkest darkness J 

*adapted from internet*
-        +  In fear we fight. In fear we unite. It is a matter of choice J People who always snarl at us. put a halt to the automated categorization of them into the bad people category. After giving them a second chance it is highly likely nothing gets changed, but at least we see what underlies their unpleasant behavior, while settle on ways to win-win J

-           + For another strong source of power, if it is impossible/ have to die hard to conquer them, make friends with them :) Echo with the point above, take away the fear, we shall be friends ^^

*adapted from internet-Hi I can be a kitty too^^ if you allow*

*adapted from internet- Hey I don't mean cis, I mean cheese^^*
       + Apparently common sense can be the hardest thing to comprehend when emotion kicks in, especially a negative one. Likewise apparently "I love you" is alien language and would rather say supercalifragilisticexpialidociously 10 times. However it is, family is always there for you. (*watch The Croods for more graphic details^^) 
      Thanks for reminding me the common sense, and fact of life that there is always tomorrow, where the sun rises, where there is light, where no one will be deep down in despair over the darkness :) The Croods, thumbs up, again and again ^^ <3

Eye-not-blinking good :D (since can't say finger licking good teehee~)

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