Photo Gallery^^

Sunday 7 April 2013


Attended for my 2nd and last psychology annual dinner, and shall let the pictures speak themselves :)
*Tummy upsets for the night, so didn't solo a lot nor taking pictures of food*

Me and pai kia/ah beng (recently earned his name) who made his own mask with music piece

Ruby, my pretty junior who is on hi-bye terms before that but now love messaging each other every day :D

Lily who <3 M&M ^^ 
okay 2 -corns (capricorns) in the frame without  horns :D

super super <3 her voice ^^ 

ok pai kia/ ah beng looks like bane here somehow :D haha me think is the mask 

Credits to Lily ^^ love the candid-ness here ^^

more than 3 years, batch 10 mate^^ <3 your looks here~
Ok I notice me and my best friend's picture is severely missing :( and the reason being me lazy to bring camera and ended up all the pictures in her S-II. 

This is the most amazing and fun dinner i have ever had ^^ Love how the organizing committee got all of us mingled with Conan-like games, and the food is awesome to the sky ~ (non-stop eating when everyone glued their eyes to performance while somebody almost stuck her nose to the plate :P)

A super belated thank you, but thank you, Batch 14^^ <3

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