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Tuesday 13 December 2011


Once passed by the CD shop while lingering in the mall with friends. on air was "rising of the planets of apes"

Heard that the review for it was quite motivating.
A look at certain part- yes definitely. despite apes being apes, they are spiced with human's emotions.
Still remember how a king kong flew through a bridge directly to a helicopter, whereby the pilot was trying to shot the leader of the revolting group. The king kong died of protecting the leader.

I cried.
Recalled asking my friend, would you sacrifice for another being?

And now, was wondering, whom have I sacrificed for after living for 22 years?
The same friend, who was also fascinated with Matrix, told me, love is a connection that you are willing to sacrifice anything for the person you love.
Connection. Sacrifice.
Two big words there.

After reading the news on next year's "apocalypse", neural firings were fierce, but incoherent.
Some were directing towards amygdala, some were going to frontal part
Blend of emotions and urge of doing something, while recalling.

What is life?
What, is love?

Thanks to beloved cognition and perception, read an article about 3D visual illusions.
Particularly highlighted this: what you see, smell, hear, touch, taste, are just subjective experiences in an objective, reality world.

Where is the definite right and wrong?
Everything is but a neural impulse.

Sometimes kinda thinking CBT has its own rationale.
Neural IMPULSE. at least CBT is dealing with the impulsive impulses, transducted and transmitted via neurons.

Why would love and drug inflict the same brain area?
What is this biological implication trying to tell us?
Get in control is the key, just like drugs. They can be good when you are sick, and they can backfire when overdose.
What is the lesson that i am sent here to learn?

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