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Wednesday 23 March 2011

blah blah star^^~

another realization that struck today- I nicely prescribed a standard for my blog @@
hope i am not the first geek to bound everything with standards, even something as simple as blogging. 

these are what i told myself:
- precise usage of grammar (which i am still gonna stick to, except apologies for some slang :P)
- blog only on things that are philosophical, opinion-based, or quotes. short stories can be blogged occasionally- but not too much as it is another way to assess one's inner world. 
- blog nothing about complaints or negative feelings. you don't feel comfortable having it choking in your chest threatening to burst out via verbal means- so there isnt a point really to contaminate and suffocate the blog with complains. 

now that i reviewed my own 'standards'- holy mackerel...

i started to suddenly realize, that it is NOT shameful to share negative feelings. 
whatever i have encountered, others might have encounter, or, yet to encounter. 
sharing yields advice, broaden horizon and eventually, as an experienced person, giving out advice to help the others who are in the same situation. 

the culture says you shouldn't exhibit feelings- it is the weakest point of human being, and thus, the strongest weapon that can be used against anybody. how ironic...

i dont feel good about this- why suppress when you can express? being able to express and interact is such a great gift~ off course, do not take self expression for granted by tinting it with heavy tone, generally acknowledged unpleasant gestures. expression is about getting your point to the other person, not straining the relationship. the goal of expressing-- therefore, should be crystal clear--aim to tell, to share, not harm, revenge, insult.

why the sudden enlightenment? 
i just read tuesday with morrie^^ good book, it is (Yoda style~)

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