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Wednesday 30 March 2011

One Step by A Time 一步步

not like asking around would score yourself a point.
완전 허송 ><

其实不该埋怨- 最愚蠢的莫过于为了他答应让我们上他课的理由而难过。
不是因为咱们极力争取,因为在这儿一段时间,直到有些事情,特别是科目,无论怎么争取, no matter how beautifully phrased the promise is, well, it remains as stereotypical type of promise-- promise wont come true.

为什么犯了一个自己已经明白很久的道理-- 目标达到了,在没有伤天害理的情况下。那为何要这么在乎目标是怎么达到的?

很久没有自我分析,所以在想,也许是来到这儿才发觉自己有多么地不足,很多事情得靠朋友- 地理性--去哪儿玩儿, 韩语,我宛如初学者,牙牙学语的小孩,stumbled my way upon the unknowns, letting it tearing down my self esteem.
就是因为有比较,所以才一直觉得很不堪,什么都不好,再加上自己擅长的一直没法发挥,也心急交朋友,所以言语上也变得不可爱了- 喜欢八卦,喜欢埋怨,喜欢talk in conforming manner.

很谢谢今天的日文课, 让我重新再发觉,人生如果学习是为了攀比,那如果再也没有攀比后,是不是就一直颓废着不学了,止步了?


所做的事情缺了热爱,热诚- 都变机械化。



Monday 28 March 2011


念书是拼命 XD
其实现在也是一样 :P


I have a plan~
这是jennifer lopez 在 the backup plan 里面的一句~


得先去research ^^

已经有点adrenaline rush 了~

Wednesday 23 March 2011

blah blah star^^~

another realization that struck today- I nicely prescribed a standard for my blog @@
hope i am not the first geek to bound everything with standards, even something as simple as blogging. 

these are what i told myself:
- precise usage of grammar (which i am still gonna stick to, except apologies for some slang :P)
- blog only on things that are philosophical, opinion-based, or quotes. short stories can be blogged occasionally- but not too much as it is another way to assess one's inner world. 
- blog nothing about complaints or negative feelings. you don't feel comfortable having it choking in your chest threatening to burst out via verbal means- so there isnt a point really to contaminate and suffocate the blog with complains. 

now that i reviewed my own 'standards'- holy mackerel...

i started to suddenly realize, that it is NOT shameful to share negative feelings. 
whatever i have encountered, others might have encounter, or, yet to encounter. 
sharing yields advice, broaden horizon and eventually, as an experienced person, giving out advice to help the others who are in the same situation. 

the culture says you shouldn't exhibit feelings- it is the weakest point of human being, and thus, the strongest weapon that can be used against anybody. how ironic...

i dont feel good about this- why suppress when you can express? being able to express and interact is such a great gift~ off course, do not take self expression for granted by tinting it with heavy tone, generally acknowledged unpleasant gestures. expression is about getting your point to the other person, not straining the relationship. the goal of expressing-- therefore, should be crystal clear--aim to tell, to share, not harm, revenge, insult.

why the sudden enlightenment? 
i just read tuesday with morrie^^ good book, it is (Yoda style~)

a shift in taste that delights^^

recently realize that i am starting to like things that i do not like before, and found them cute^^~

i have a confession to make: recently i am obsessed with memo pads ^^~
thanks to elaine who delighted me with korean cutest memo pad ever, i started to like them and eventually, i got to know bout domo-kun-- a japanese character which is simple, yet i found it cute now^^
simplicity reaches the heart best-- guess it applies ^^
i still remembered the first time i saw domo-kun.

being a memo pad geek means some memo pads are meant to be kept and not for usage.
so i bought another one with domo-kun, not because of liking but simply because i need something to use while others became collector's collection ~ <3

and that is how i like domo-kun@@
weird enough XD

lil peep of domo-kun^^ simple, yet cute^^ <3
in addition, it has a very cute origin too^^~
domo, in japanese means thank you, kun, mr/mrs~ (literally: mr/ mrs thank you^^)
awww~~ so cuteee <3
somehow reminds me of my two best friends, ian and fifi~ because you guys seem to have the same gestures domo-kun is doing ^^ like this one--garu garu kepala XD ian always do this when you are recalling to him how was he like when he was in semester 1, while fifi always do this when she pretend to forget what she had said coz the reality is opposite to what she said XD so to cover up the embarrassment she will scratch her head a lil, with her head tilt a lil ^^~

domo-kun~~ no mu no mu kawaiii desu^^
je ka a chuuu chuu waaa <3 
gereso, domo-kun soft toy sa go shippoyo^^~ <3