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Thursday 30 July 2015

4G X 4R




偏偏处身于一个懂得越多就会有派上用场的心理系。想想也是。要是再忽略脑子里的这块,缺乏stimulation岂不促成了neuronal weakness甚至是death,然后在日后的session对着面临感情concern的client可真的可以变成一字真言大师了-恩,啊?哦。。。

外加自己还是一直很感恩不是一只猫,所以就很放纵好奇心了 :)

So much of rationalization just to watch a drama -.-

剧里其中一个central notion,就是女主角感情受创,当上爱情医生后的4G好男人理论:Guts 有担当,Giver 不掌控愿意付出,Gentle 个性体贴,Guarantee 专情不拈花惹草。

Not very much to constitute a checklist ;)

But no doubt, 就是好男人的4个守则。

虽然是adapt 了绝代商骄的前5后1(5) 法则:看前5集了解故事大纲再来个pre-mature ending,直看结局,但还是得到了一些很有用的心得跟感触。

  • Most start out not knowing what they want, until meeting the somebody that helps them in formulating partner-selection theory; a yardstick for future relationship. 了解checklist上的择偶条件,it could offer a peek into the individual's previous relationship, but use with caveat. 
  • 受了伤,自己常常去帮助其他人解围,走出一个又一个的困境;唯独自己-向前拐个弯,却担心再遇到minotaur 。不是所有脸上24/7 sunshine的人没有受过伤,更不是已经痊愈到恢复了往日状态。很喜欢我的论文教授兼Traumatic Brain Injury 专家常常在课堂上提醒着的话:'TBI patients will regain some of their functions, but never return to the pre-TBI functioning state.' 所以不管伤口大小,we are bound to be changed. 别看到一个曾经在谷底的朋友/家人重新站起来,就不痛不痒的认为对方只是在sojourn;更别说发生的只是小事,或以羡慕的口吻说对方很lucky-前者deny 了对方默哀的权利,后者negate了对方为了重新站起来而断了两条腿的勇气。
  • 剧中男女主角都因为情感受创而对开始一段新的旅程瞻前顾后。忘了在哪里看到这么一句:The only way to know if you are fit for a game, is to enter the game and start playing, unreservedly. Yes, it is normal to be terrified, petrified, mortified; 毕竟一旦被蛇咬,10年怕草绳。But hey, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger ;) So, buy Kelly Clarkson, 让古语一旁站。

4G理论也inspires 了我的4R(但不是理论,纯属是hayatilah sama-sama):

献给每一个断了两条腿还站着,头还抬起眼睛盯着目标前进的勇士们, 4R:
Ravenous- Constantly be hungry to know more and learn more. Beginner's mind, beginner's lens :)
Resourceful- Evolution is great in that the world has A unique you, and you have all the power with you to mobilize amid badly screwed situation :)
Resilient- We all will get over our falls one day. Just do not hasten the process, because inside everyone of us, we are Destined to stand up & Defy the gravity ;)
Road - & whatever happens, trust your pocketful of other Rs and hit the road again!

^^ Beauty defined #blueblack #帅的是个性不是皮囊
*And Murphy's Law of Love is no doubt a good series :) Thumbs up!

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