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Thursday 11 December 2014

Lion King night (Knight)

It has been real long (blogging) and was even battling where to let my words run real wild :P

While running elaborative and sophisticated to-do specifics in mind, three senses of the rest voted to glue to ongoing Lion King :)

It has been really long too, since the last time watching Lion King (can't remember how long that is). But I remember enjoy watching Disney loads, because right and wrong is just as it is: Right, OR Wrong. Either. I guess I'd buy B.F Skinner back then.

And so is Lion King.

Being mean is wrong (*actually mean is conservative considering Scar kills his own brother). Hence the punishment= devoured alive= bad ending for bad fella. While the good guy strides towards the light, a future brightly illuminated with blessings, from heaven and earth.

But life ain't always this way. And despite the headaches it gives, I love how it is.

Today has been quite a puzzled day for me, at work, over some personal sentiments. Sometimes it is interesting to catch (yes catch, coz most of us operate on auto- I buy Freud loads) how we react to certain event, and contemplating, brooding, brain work, google, self-help books yada yada yada, just won't do -- can't find the answer to our reaction.

Watching Lion King, got this eureka moment. Probably thanks to my age, perspective changes and thus, aha!^^

- When Mufasa died, Scar did what an upsetting person would ask for: being there, and offer solace.
Like life.
How many times we break down, thinking that besides our heart and soul, even the world is falling apart? And the saddest part? No one there.
And then we start to question, why me God? Don't you love me anymore? What did I do wrong?
And then we start to pray, please, dear God. Just one person. If only a single soul is here, with me, by my side, while I drain my pain and sorrow.
Well some day, there will be someone, or more, by our side.
But, take home lesson #1: Whatever that goes along with own expectation/secret wish isn't necessarily good. Cinderella would say dreams come true. But life would say, hey pal, this is reality you are talking about. Anything is possible here.

Which then brings me to the second contradicting point.

- Dehydrated and on-the-verge of being eaten Simba saved by Pumbaa and Timon.
Like life.
Don't give up, even if about to use up last bit of brain juice.
Anything is possible in life, and this includes help from anyone. Quoting from "Three Character Classic": We are all born with a benevolent heart.

Building on this:

- Pumbaa and Timon with their Hakuna Matata definitely help lift up the poor kid who is made to believe he indirectly causes his father's death. But they find guarded by great dead souls in the sky funny- flip-side for Simba.
Friends can be in so many parts of our lives. So much so until our laughter could be classically conditioned to them- laugh= friend.
Even though we share loads of laughter and happiness, but they do not know everything about us. And it is rather harsh if we ever expect our friends to behave so and so, because "they should have known better".
No they don't, even for Simba, Pumbaa and Timon who live together.
Friends are blessings from God, not telepatists.
Be responsible and sensible about our deepest pain and fear.
It is a vortex that will not only consume ourselves but also God's blessings should we expect our friends to act like Professor X; "they should know".

- Scar becomes the King backed by hyenas. Scar becomes the Food, face to face with the hyenas.
An irony, but true.
What we strive on, it could bring us down one day.

Life to me, it is not so much of either-or after all.
More of it could be neither-nor. It could be both.
And the important thing?
The external surrounding is like umami taste, grabbing and hogging all our senses ensuring we are finely attuned to them. But it doesn't matter what happens outside. It matters what going on inside. What you see, represents what is played inside.

I am grappling with quite a lot of terms reality thrown to me recently.
So not so much word of wisdom :P
Just wish all of us could stay strong, and go on with what life offers.
There is always meaning behind every encounter ^^

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