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Thursday 23 May 2013

Dream comes true 1^^- Pee-ka-boo! It's Nickkkk!!!!!

This is something big & awesome :) Dream comes true.

Wow ^^ and as the typing goes on, am wondering if wow is a little too subtle to describe the sophisticated feeling of going to meet someone who was once so, so far, confined within the frame of youtube video yet with loud personality, and the overflowing of love, is today going to be so near :)

Nick, no matter where you are, be it on the stage, or among the audience, there is always a  "hey presto" moment when Hall's personal reaction bubbles just burst, and the next thing, your words just strike the deepest heart's chord.

Still could recall the first time watching Nick's video from Youtube, back in Korea.

Was starting to experiencing some of the by-the-book descriptions of culture shock. Was missing Psychology, tremendously; missing best friend; the food; the spiciness, the feeling of capsaisin spreading evenly throughout your tongue~, everything. Once passed by a place with flags of various countries flying high and tall, and felt homey there when Jalur Gemilang was also there, among all.

And then was captivated by Nick's video "I love living life. I am happy". It was not the "happy" :) that was captivating, but love living life. For one moment I thought Christine Fan and her husband's lovelife,LL movement has included some Eurasians as well.

Ended up not a lovelife,LL promotion video, and emotions alternated like tornado. Laughing and tearing and crying, I should have known labile affect better :P
Nick's message is simple. Yet it is heavy. (Not talking about synaesthesia here :P)

Often some of us climb to the top, aspiring to collect giants' headS without double checking if the roots are deeply entrenched in proper way. And we collect many heads, the head of achievement, wealth, status, power. When we finally land, exhausted, again plunging into another identity moratorium, eventually attending to the neglected roots in the earlier days.

Guess most of us don't do multi-task well after all regardless of demographic characteristics :) One single unpleasant thing can hog our entire attention and energy until nothing is left for existing, knock-knock happiness. So easy to feel poor and homeless when the mind is churned.

There is nothing on "if you do this and this, @ if you follow so and so, these will guarantee your happiness". Uh-uh, Nick's video is far-fetched from a grandma's cookbook's style, with happiness step 1, 2, 3.
He reaches out to hearts, touches them, and then points out what is within.
No attempt to change who you are, or imposing values that sort.
Just acceptance. And love.
And I guess it's because Nick never tells how people should/must/ought to act, but merely bringing out what is existing to light, that often drives so many people, across the world, to joy and to tears. It is just like you have been confined to a dark cave for years, and you finally see a stray of light, and you know, because of this stray of light, you are going to see the limitless sky.

Nick's message of love and respect reminds me of Professor Morrie, by Mitch Albom in "Tuesday with Morrie" who said, "Love is the only rational act"

Some of the delights-of-the-day during Nick's sharing session ;)
*PS: words below may be rephrased/ directly quoted, and represent nuggets which inspire me.*

:) Is value determined on the job you have? (Nick is inspired by a janitor)
:) We are perfectly different. Imperfect doesn't make you less a person. 
:) What is the point of thinking your best self is not good enough?
:) Don't give up your broken pieces because you can be someone's miracle. 
:) You are here for a reason. Don't give up.
:) Sometimes we wait for better days. But, we don't wait to be better people. 
:) Before teasing anyone, do you know what they had/have/are gone/going through?
:) You shouldn't be the reason for anyone to kill themselves. 
:) Do everything with Love, & Respect.
:) Unforgiveness is like you drinking poison and hope your enemy(s) die(s).
:) I'm not even higher on values than my enemy. 

Not much, as stenographing ability blunted by cocktail of emotions teehee :P

So much thank you and appreciation to Sunway University whose staff members have organized and planned for Nick's talk. Following Dato' Seri Jeffrey Cheah's talk, I have been feeling very blessed, being able to study in a university whose founder a firm believer in corporate social responsibility. With Nick, some one I dare not even dream of him coming to Malaysia, what is more to Sunway, I think I see fairy god mother XD

Nick, you said we all need Hope. Do you know that, your presence in Sunway University is already itself a light of hope for so many of us here ^^ 
In case we Asians are a little shy shy and didn't shout loud enough, WE SUPER LOVE YOU, NICK!^^

1 comment:

  1. Dear royce ♥♡

    Thank you for sharing such beautiful words. I pray for you my friend, to find your happiness and be the best out of you. You are my miracle who inspiring me throughout my life in Sunway. I HOPE your smile that come from your pure heart will appear again. Im asian and im not shy to shout to the whole wide world that I LOVE YOU TAN WAN YEN!!!!!! FIGHTING!! GAMBATEH!! JIAYOU!!! JIHAD!!!!!
