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Monday 25 April 2011

weird sense of achievement@@

is squeezing brain juice for tomorrow's open test

there are only 4 questions:
1. 1.    What is the theory of two cosmic forces and Five elements and what are their roles in Confucian philosophy?

2. What are the unique characteristics of shamanism and how it is alive in contemporary Korean society?
3. What are the distinctive features of Korean Buddhism?
4. Why is Korean Son Buddhism called pan Buddhism
and here i am trying to find the perfect answer for number 1, and for everyone's information, time spent on question 1: 4 hours @@
well i have to admit reading the 18 page journal on Zhou dun yi's supreme ultimate diagram is not at all easy @@ 
it is a loser phrase, yet i am using it right here right now : i am trained for 1 and half year to study things within, resort to science, resort to definitions, resort to rules, resort to experiments- no prove, dont you even dare to say that-- imagine we even define what is fact, what is inference, what is hypothesis, so what do you expect from a psychology student when it comes to "ultimate void is ultimate principle"@@
i have to honestly admit, despite my liking for philosophy, this is totally faint! 
the 18-page journal ended up nicely gobbling up my 4 hours for understanding and writing it out as answer @@ 
but i feel good peeps^^ 
coz bad to say, and naughty to say :P that i have a few people whom i know mastering in different majors using english, i guess my work for one night can be equated to theirs for a week ^^ so i am so over the moon because i feel i am doing something very Heavy @@
that is a very weird sense and reason for feeling happy right XD 
well i figure i am like that, work myself to perfection, not 100% that kind, at least i can explain myself when self-conscious is condemning me for a lousy work. if the marks are low, i will try to see why ^^ because what is the most important thing, i can understand what is happening myself, not external forces defining what is happening to what i have done, things like marks ^^
lastly, yen^^ fighting ^^ susu su slarp!!! ^^ 

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