Photo Gallery^^

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

The Croods^^

Nicely termed, this is belated. Actually, it’s outdated :P

Finally went and grabbed “The Croods” and the pictograph for feelings of the night went like this: :D à XD à J à L à:’( à J

Thanks to The Croods and Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs J I don’t mind and in fact enjoying my labile emotions :D

Here are some must-blogs and I had them rehearsed and recalled while on my way home: (“”= adapted from The Croods; other than that purely personal reflections^^)

-         +  “The light will lead you to tomorrow” J (*though I am pretty sure I do not get the precise quotation) :D

-        +   “Survival is never easy”

-          + When you have walked so far to achieving the target, the strength that carries you all along will continue to carry you the rest of the journey. Nothing could fail you now, but yourself.

-          + Light & hope is within a stone’s throw. If you don’t hear the echo of the stone’s dropping down, throw the stone again. Do, think, and feel twice before calling it off. Everything deserves a second chance, including what you want for yourself J

-        +   There is light. There is darkness. It doesn’t matter who follows who, and what comes after what. All it matters is, there is always light in the darkest darkness J 

*adapted from internet*
-        +  In fear we fight. In fear we unite. It is a matter of choice J People who always snarl at us. put a halt to the automated categorization of them into the bad people category. After giving them a second chance it is highly likely nothing gets changed, but at least we see what underlies their unpleasant behavior, while settle on ways to win-win J

-           + For another strong source of power, if it is impossible/ have to die hard to conquer them, make friends with them :) Echo with the point above, take away the fear, we shall be friends ^^

*adapted from internet-Hi I can be a kitty too^^ if you allow*

*adapted from internet- Hey I don't mean cis, I mean cheese^^*
       + Apparently common sense can be the hardest thing to comprehend when emotion kicks in, especially a negative one. Likewise apparently "I love you" is alien language and would rather say supercalifragilisticexpialidociously 10 times. However it is, family is always there for you. (*watch The Croods for more graphic details^^) 
      Thanks for reminding me the common sense, and fact of life that there is always tomorrow, where the sun rises, where there is light, where no one will be deep down in despair over the darkness :) The Croods, thumbs up, again and again ^^ <3

Eye-not-blinking good :D (since can't say finger licking good teehee~)

Monday, 15 April 2013

自己跑去申请EPF跟银行卡。虽然有些阻碍,但完成的时候,觉得笨笨blur blur也不错~


今日的错误与尴尬,将会成为明天长智慧的垫脚石 :)

Sunday, 7 April 2013


Attended for my 2nd and last psychology annual dinner, and shall let the pictures speak themselves :)
*Tummy upsets for the night, so didn't solo a lot nor taking pictures of food*

Me and pai kia/ah beng (recently earned his name) who made his own mask with music piece

Ruby, my pretty junior who is on hi-bye terms before that but now love messaging each other every day :D

Lily who <3 M&M ^^ 
okay 2 -corns (capricorns) in the frame without  horns :D

super super <3 her voice ^^ 

ok pai kia/ ah beng looks like bane here somehow :D haha me think is the mask 

Credits to Lily ^^ love the candid-ness here ^^

more than 3 years, batch 10 mate^^ <3 your looks here~
Ok I notice me and my best friend's picture is severely missing :( and the reason being me lazy to bring camera and ended up all the pictures in her S-II. 

This is the most amazing and fun dinner i have ever had ^^ Love how the organizing committee got all of us mingled with Conan-like games, and the food is awesome to the sky ~ (non-stop eating when everyone glued their eyes to performance while somebody almost stuck her nose to the plate :P)

A super belated thank you, but thank you, Batch 14^^ <3

"...and would you die, for the one you love..." (Hero)






Thursday, 4 April 2013

Research Project Appetizer- 起步奏

* This is Not the "Research Project for Dummies" kind of guide book/ piece. It is not intended for absolute adherence, but as general reference. Also, this is purely Personal experience and not a compilation of senior's experience ;)
* Websites recommended below are not for advertising purposes

At the stage of Research Project I (research and ethics proposal stage), the most important thing is to find your subsequent one year's niche, i.e., thesis topic.

Having to say this doesn't mean the thesis Title (meanwhile you can settle on a title that best and directly reflect what your research is about with 12-word limit. you can always think of and change to fancy/nice/creative/interesting/catchy titles later). It means what the research is about/area of research, which means the Variables are quite crucial.

If you are clueless as to what topic to research on, try look back at the lil' notes you made/told yourself earlier that you are gonna do this for your thesis.

Another way would be to generate research ideas by looking at current psychological issues. (i stumbled upon mine like this ^^- credits to Psychology Today).
Here are a few websites that you could muse from: (you are welcome to add to the list)
PS: be cautious with the articles from Psychology Today- Always check the author's qualification

There are many interesting/ commonly discussed topics in these 2 websites.

My suggestion is, settle on A Few issues (4-5) that interest you, and then further limit it to One- The ONE that you are gonna be with for a year. This is to prevent from getting carried away with the massive information which may result in hopping topics- constantly changing topics.

It is a very bad idea to be lagging behind the due dates for ethics proposal submission as 3rd year 1st sem doesn't revolve around thesis only.

Settle with the research area, Know the research Variables, and start reading on related journals :) This way will prevent wasting time on browsing/ reading unrelated journals.

Some websites which helped me tremendously lots in my research project and I hope they help you too ^^:
+ (stattrek- statistics, sampling method)
+ (GOOD-sampling methods)
+ ; (statistics glossary)
+ (research methods)
+ (survey research design)

Apologize if there is a bias towards websites on survey design as mine was a survey design :)

~ Rambler's rambling corner ~

When you are lagging behind the dates, yes, Mourn about it- Cry/ sleep/ eat/ scream/ sing/ paint something red/ do whatever to catharsis. After that, life moves forward. Try to keep your head cool & think of what can be done. Try not to delay. If encounter with problems, look for lecturers or supervisors. They are always there for us if only we allow them to help us :)

If you are settling on special populations as participants for your research project, try to seek for some guidance from seniors as the supervisors are busy with loads of things too, or you are paise to always turn up in their office ;) 
* seniors who have taken Advanced Topics have been exposed to ethical issues in research, APA, and BPS (ethics code).
* some seniors have worked on special population before

The same goes to those who wish to recruit participants < 18 years old. Some of the seniors did research with this sample. Ask them what are some documents needed ;)

Lastly, we plan, we execute with our bestest best efforts, and then, we let the rest of the story unfolds :)

Yes worry but don't GAD ;) You are at stage I and not even a scratch to stage II and III of the research project. So, worry about stage I's progress at a level which your body can take ;) (pengsan is out of the context) & add oil :)

Just a kind tiny reminder: If you need help, help is always there for you ^^

Tuesday, 2 April 2013





