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Monday 20 June 2016


They said dreams keep you awake.

And here I am.

Not knowing what my dreams are keep my awake - W-I-D-E awake.

God bless I happened to click into TED's talk by Emilie Wapnick.
Felt like God has heard my soul's cry and led me to this wonderful video on multi-potential-ites (Title: Why some of us don't have one true calling)

Interest has proliferated since pa discussed post-grad. option few months back.

Nauseated while bouncing back and forth, within and between 'dreams' - Except they are not happening by stage like REM.

Promised myself to pursue the practical path during masters, before solely dedicated to the research track. And suddenly, neuroscience has never been that appealing before - God bless me -.-

Vying in the working world on the other hand, addresses another big piece of my pie of dream; financial capability to indulge pa and ma. We could finally travel as a family - With their child funding the entire trip, or more trips to come.

I guess it was the melatonin spike - The sudden urge to fill in personality test to see which rabbit hole I should leap into (*lol). And the sudden recall of "two roads diverged into two..."

Thoughts have gone long, long way; deep, deep down.
Yet foot steps, pitter-a-patter.

Good night world.
Toast to identity moratorium!