Photo Gallery^^

Thursday 21 March 2013


I am in dilemma

Yet I am bugging myself with this question: when is result coming out  (x) infinity @-@

On a lighter tone ^^ re-love of this song: Love is Simple by David Tao




送自己一个晴天娃娃 teru teru bozu~^^

*cited from web*

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Tomorrow is the day

After many many moons, and 3 years.

Finally, tomorrow is the day.

Where, will I stand?

Some people identify themselves with social statuses, financial condition, material wealth (welcome to add to the list)

I admittedly admit, that at current moment, my undergrad, I identify myself with something that I understand the outcome could be equated to right efforts, my academic.

Yes there will be some concerns on possible cognitive distortions. At current moment, I am at peace with this fact.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Fish Market

Disclaimer: the word "fish monger" is not intended to directly mean occupation, but a slight mischievous adaptation to sell-fish = selfish :) . This is NOT an academic piece, nor containing any academically relevant information.

Understandably understandable if someone were to stereotypical-ly placing the label of psychopath/ BPD

Manipulative, push beyond the limits to get own way, disregarding people's feelings, weak on the knees when someone gets upset/ pissed off (*not based on DSM/ ICD)

Things do/ doing/ did/ have @ had done, are all derivatives of guilt.
Shameful and hilarious talking about feelings as though they are next door neighbors.

May look colorful on the outside, but even without having to dwell into skin deep, some people could still see the true colors.
Chameleons camouflage, but people discovers them too.

Uh-uh, not too feather-headed, fish monger ;)





翻看了她的婚纱照,有白色的婚纱,着韩服的,little black dress~






如果在天作不了比翼鸟(因为都当上天使了 :D)

在这里附上方大同的非常爱 :P (爱爱爱- 这么多爱所以是非常爱了:D )


  Wrap the post- With Love ^^

Sunday 10 March 2013

Oz the Great and Powerful

A little magic is always good after exam :) Hence went for Oz the Great & Powerful.

Was actually quite clueless as to what movie to watch after Flight. GI Joe and Star Trek sequels are not in any time soon.

Can't believe that I actually caught on a film premier (*a belated post as I watched on the 8th), and owing to this fact and ethical concerns, I am not gonna elaborate on too many details ;) Some personal gains from a hilarious and meaningful movie :)

#1- Good and bad siDes siTes
Contrast and antonyms make good & bad looks on the opposite polar, and that one has to fight/ suppress/ ignore the bad so that only good shows.

Good is socially approved, highly celebrated. Doing thing that others/ majority agreed is good, doesn't necessarily equate to total goodness and far-fetched badness. Good and bad is subjective, and subjective means (relax, plenty rooms for error ^^)

Bad, on the other hand, is the opposite of the aforementioned (cutting grandma story, and oh yes, dilemma myself ). But I don't mean it in the all-or-none fashion, or either siDes. I believe they co-exist, and we choose which siTe to wear on ourselves in situations encountered. Like Theodora.

Absolutely no intention to haughtily preach about "you have a choice in everything and hence you choose sadness, not the otherwise". Sounds insensitive, zero empathy, worse than noise pollution. But I do believe it- we choose who we want to be, how we would want to feel, think, and act. External situation influences, but they still not as powerful and capable to decide. I think social exchange theory explains cost-benefit analysis and sacrifice well. Off course the ideal would be win-win (benefit offsets cost) situations, but looking in depth, win-win in reality could be benefit outweighs cost greatly (super little lost- hurray drum rolls~), benefit outweighs cost moderately (heart still can withstand- breathe in breathe out tomorrow is a brand new day), and benefits super little despite minimal cost (somebody dial 999 please)

The point being, it would be quite hard to be in a situation with outcome that is purely personally satisfying without having to devote to other thoughts. Life is a series of choices made, and where we are today reflect the past choices. Like Theodora (for God's sake this is no Harry Porter sequel get down from the broom).


Quote 几米老师:“感谢伤痛使我更灵敏”。

I will remember, that even Beauty is in my own hands. (Picture taken from website)
Love hurts, love ATTEMPTS MURDER, but she KILLS HERSELF (Picture taken from website)
Theodora to love: You try to murder me, so I kill myself @@
(*Finishing killer's unfinished business? Great trick to send the killer goes nuts, and both ends up in asylum :P)
(Picture taken from website)

Also, listen and accepting opinion humbly is different from letting people strewn malice and walking all over. (*To add to the hilarious, Theodora could tell her sister that her fire meant to make her looks hawtt. Although hawt-temper is really an alternative, and a bad, self-demeaning one) :P

如果想大作文章,不如利用伤痛作为警惕,让自己日后活得漂亮,活得真切。最重要的,就是要知道,选择丑陋与魅力、美丽,只有自己能够做到 (Theodora could get off the broom and stop photosynthesis herself, 'coz I dont think it is in anyone's favor to ask her get off the brown and probably consider SK-II) ;)

*picture taken in Gyeong-ju, South Korea*

^^ <3

Thursday 7 March 2013



I anticipate our next meeting ^^

*Adapted from One Piece ^^

Monday 4 March 2013


Paging for adrenaline - paging for adrenaline.

You are needed at the counter of (*my brand name ^^) urgently and immediately.

Neural firings at the amygdala.
Nobody page for you so stop thinking too much and acting way beyond your normal threshold :D

Oh yeah. Apparently friends told me to pursue neuro-/ cognitive-related further studies. And apparently, I think I just proved their apparently :D

Today is Tuesday and it is not a great news compared to tomorrow's LAST undergraduate paper :)
Nostalgic is apparently beyond the activity of amygdala @-@ hmmph ><ll

Last note: melatonin, shoo ;)

Sunday 3 March 2013

Fly high, Land down-to-earth; Flight 2013

Headed for a flight with bestie Yin with popcorns and coke :)

Before buckled our seat belts for the 5.50 p.m., we were having dilemma over Jack and the Giant slayer, and a couple of romance movies which I kept claiming cheesy (*woops :P)

The very thing that attracts me to Flight is its trailer. Remembered a scene whereby the lawyer told the pilot (*my apologies i am bad at names :P) that no one is able to repeat what he has done (*watch to check out what miracle he pulled in sky high ;) 

More importantly, the genius pilot who saved lives is a hard-core substance abuser (*literally, whatever that gives a boast to the dopamine center, he lives on them- Again grab it in the cinema for the detailed WHAT HE IS ADDICTED ON^^)

and so yeah. feelings flying up high and low while the story unfolds. (*i think i used all Ekman's 8 basic emotions throughout the movie :D )

it struck me hard on the population of substance abusers.

while having internship in the hospital, kinda secretly played this in my mind that certain groups are my no-no group and i cast distrusting votes to my competence on these no-no groups: Children (*god save me), Love affairs (*will try to drop my weapons and left-wing feminist's stance but no promise :D), and the substance abusers (*i don't think i know you)

another touching and personalize movie Flight is,and i managed to understand and see the importance of working with this population.

loads of ethical issues are gonna arose if working with this population, and loads of foreseeable challenges simply because you are trying to ask someone to see the thing that makes them feel good is in essence, bad, in fact, detrimental and destructive. and oh yeah, lets use the analogy of dating and love. read one research before on a magazine in empire mall's cake shop while waiting for the cake ;)
it says that love afflicts the same pleasure area that addictives afflict. i presume, dopamine center since it is the pleasure center.
*if weaning of love or getting over a break up is difficult and painful (*the list goes on), imagine detox :P

but really, thanks to Flight^^
I am able to appreciate the challenges and ABCs of the substance abusers, as well as the challenges of professionals working with such population.
More importantly, as cited from HK drama On Call 36 Hours, Dr. Cheong-Yat-Kin, patient and their family members both are subjected to the physician's care, 全民医治. Flight nicely illustrates the far-reaching impacts of substance abuse to all levels of individuals involved.

whatever came across in life, they often prove to be useful in your near/ distant future :)

Wish that you are inspired as much as i am inspired, and aspired from Flight^^

Piscine-Pissing-Bising :P

This is gonna be a ranting + emotionally-intense post that is merely personal preference. Not aiming at anyone generally, but only the "Particular ones" specifically. General, relax. Dont take things personally, spare your brain. "Particular ones", oh congrates you have come one step further to realization that you need to change your job as fish-mongers and should probably take up some courses on logistics and time management. 

Officially declare that it really drives my auditory nerves fire crazily when people just smack/bang/slam the door loudly or exercise their throat muscles to the maximum. 

Hello fish mongers. This aint your fish market. Have some consideration please. 

There is a nice, polite notice on the door speaking on behalf of the poor door which has been slammed so badly until it lost the ability to close properly: I am NO slam dunk. Please handle me with care. 

Please recognize the fact that there are some Humans living under the same roof, and I certainly hope you are not expecting a verbal confrontation after kind reminder of not slamming the doors or chatting at the top of your voice as if you are having some sort of soprano concert right in front of other's door. If consideration is not in your dictionary, logistic management people. I am pretty sure your favorite rock star's/ stars' concerts have enlightened you that have a concert in front of people's door is a one-way guarantee to get super early/ super belated Easter's pressie (EGGS at your face). Not very cute w/o the bunnies I presume

More so if you disregard the time. Midnight may be a very conducive hour for your throat muscle (or whatever human body's operation concerned) to produce high frequency pitches but do be considerate that it is NOT SO conducive for my auditory nerves, and whoever that is living under the same roof.

Okay enough ranting and job counseling. Sekian terima kasih.